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Education at Congregation Beth Shalom

Youth Education    RJKEFLearn Hebrew    CBS Library

Through our diverse educational opportunities for preschoolers, elementary students, teens, and adults, Congregation Beth Shalom strives to provide stimulating programs to benefit all of our congregants and our community.

Our educational programs for children, under the active guidance of Rabbi Michael and Rabbi Nick, embody the ideals of positive, quality, comprehensive Jewish education. Both in and out of the classroom, we give our students the tools and experiences to be knowledgeable and concerned American Jews. We strive to guide each student in finding a source of significance and enrichment in Jewish living and an appreciation for Israel and the Jewish community around the world.

As our children continue into young adulthood, Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes along with a 7th and 8th grade program are available. Here they apply what they have learned in our Hebrew School and begin to understand what it means to become responsible Jewish adults. Our young adults engage in learning “hot topics,” history, and ethics as well as participate in our Sunday Morning Minyan, Tikkun Olam projects, and supporting the programs open to the entire congregational community.

But education at Congregation Beth Shalom is not limited to our youth alone. Adults are also encouraged to continue their Jewish learning through programs presented by our Rabbi Jacob Kraft Educational Foundation, the CBS Book Club, simply drop in on select Thursday afternoons for tea and conversation, or Saturdays following services for an informal Torah Study with Rabbi Michael or one of our many congregational lay-leaders.

Bottom-line, Jewish Learning at Congregation Beth Shalom is Life-Long Jewish Learning and we look forward to having you join in.

Click here for Information on Our Hebrew School


Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785